Currently we are very nearly up to date with OLD back orders, However, we are still running between 3 and 7 days behind.
Medically things are getting better. I have an appointment to see the surgeon on the 11th December. Hopefully he will schedule the surgery to release the tendons stuck inside the fingers before Christmas, however, I suspect that it is more likely to be January. Unfortunately, whenever they do the surgery I am likely to be unable to do any work for at least a week whilst the wounds heal. I am also aware the the first session of pysio on the hand will be within 3 days of surgery.
With regard to the problem with Nickel Silver mention below, we are still waiting for nickel etches in the thicker (0.012" and thicker) sizes. This will affect the packing of 7mm kits in particular.
We have been informed by our etchers that there is a problem with the supply of Nickel Silver, this is likely to cause problems with the packing of locomotive kits in particular. If you are waiting for a kit there is a very good chance that this is the cause of the delay. They did inform me that they had tried a number of other suppliers of Nickel, however, the prices were 3 - 4 times what their current supplier was charging??? If they had taken that route, we would have had to increase the price of a 7mm loco kit by almost 100% effectively doubling the price???
On a better note the only major item we have not yet produced is aerosols and they are scheduled for next week.
We will be at Shenfield, with a Very small stand, this Saturday 21st Sept' so if you are in the area why not come and say hello - we don't bite ( unless you ask us to!)
Generally things are getting better, however, not helped this last week by a viral throat infection that laid me low for a couple of days and is still making it difficult to swallow. Unfortunately we still have a backlog and for that we appologise.
It is now almost certain that I will have to have another operation on my hand to release the bits that have become 'glued' together and are restricting 'normal' movement of the 2 damaged fingers. Hopefully this can be done during December to give me time over christmas to recover.
The photos above were taken on the Mid Essex MRC new Scottish region based layout about 2 weeks ago.
Things are slowly getting back to normal, the first batches of tinlets were made yesterday, although it is taking longer than usual but we should catch up in the next 10 days or so which should clear 95% of the backlog of orders.
It is almost certainly going to be September before there is enough strength in my hand to operate the aerosol filling machine, however, after the 3rd August ( operation plus 12 weeks) I will be trying it on a regular basis.
There is also some news about the Radley models range see here for details and the Kirk Mailcoach ranges. See here.
The wires finally came out of the fingers this morning. A simple op that should have taken 20-30 mins ended up taking over 2 hours because they were so deeply buried. I ended up with the surgeon, a consultant at least 3 or 4 nurses and a portable x-ray machine. It was done under local anethetic and was a very uncomfortable procedure. Currently there is so much wrapping around my hand that it looks like a mango!! The bad news is that it is now VERY uncomfortable, the good news is that the wires did there job and I should be able to start moving the fingers and using the hand properly in the next few days. I have physio and will have the dressings changed tommorow (Friday). My guess is that it is going to be a vary uncomfortable weekend, however, I hope to be back in work on monday morning (hospital appointments permitting).
Tomorrow morning (25th June) I see the surgeon,hopefully, the fingers will have recovered enough to have the wires removed. As these are buried inside the fingers I currently do not know if this will mean a stay in hospital or not, if they will do it or when.
I have managed to produce paint in 50ml, 125ml and 250ml cans but it is taking far longer than usual. We have also cleared a lot, but not all, of the order backlog and are working as fast as we can to get all orders out asap.
Please also note that new price come into effect on the 1st July. See ​ for further information.
As mentioned below it is going to be a number of weeks before we can produce, certainly tinlets and possibly 50ml cans. It will be at least September before we can produce any aerosols.
Orders are slowly going out, however, as I have to hold the boxes with my arm instead of a hand it takes longer to assemble and pack a box, let alone the need to tryp single handed. To give an idea of some of the problems I have included photos of the splinted hand. These were taken on the Mid Essex Model Railway Clubs new 'O' gauge layout, which I am supposed to be building the track for, however, regardless of if it is finished or not, this layout will be one of the club layouts on display at our open day on Sunday 21st July. If you would like to come along, either as a guest or a potential member please email David Zelly at for directions and mention that you saw the invitation here.
For those of you who do not mind gastly pictures, there are a couple taken today without the dressings on at the very bottom of this page. I don't want to upset anyone!!
PPP 05.06.2024
We have now managed to both produce some paint and ship some orders, HOWEVER, because I am having to use my arm to hold things instead of my hand, things are taking significantly longer.
It will be at least 3 - 4 weeks before we are able to produce 14ml tinlets, and possibly 50ml tins, due to the need to have both hand to fill these small tins. Because of this we will be contacting customer with back orders to find out what they want to do with regard to out of stock tinlets and 50mls.
Please also be aware that office hours will be erratic due to the erratic, weekly, nature of hospital appointments.
PPP 24.05.2024
Today I have had the dressings on my hand changed for the first time and seen the physiotherapist, also for the first time. The good news is that I have feeling and some movement in both damaged fingers. The bad news is that it is going to be another 7 weeks minimum before I can drive and a minimum of 11 weeks before I can lift anything heavy with that hand.
Having said that, there are things that can be done without full use of the hand and I will TRY to get into work and maintain some sense of normality.
PPP 20.05.2024
We can now confirm that I have broken both of the two middle fingers on my left hand and damaged both tendons in the second finger. Following four hours in surgery on Saturday evening the fingers have been wired the tendons repaired and the skin damage sewn up.
Unfortunately recovery will not be quick, however, as soon as I can get back in to work I will do so.
Please accept our serious apologies for the delays that this cause.
PPP 13.05.2024
Following all of the medical problems of the last few months, I have today done some serious damage to my left hand.
Two broken fingers, some tendon damage and a fair number of lacerations. I have spent 4 hours in A&E this evening and have an appointment to see the hand clinic at 09.00 in the morning (09.05.2024). this will affect the service and for that we appologise.
PPP 08.05.2024
Due to the medical problems and the need to attend various hospital and doctors appointments, we have reluctantly decided to cancel our attendance at both the Guild summer show at Kempton Park and the Guildex show at Stafford. Please accept our appologies for this
PPP 06.04.2024
Orders are shipping on a regular basis and we are now back to working full days, however, we are running about 6 - 7 days behind, whilst we are trying to reduce this delay, at the present time we feel that it is unlikely. This is not helped by the need to attend various doctor and hospital appointments. We will update this page on a semi regular basis.
PPP 31.03.2024
We have now been shipping orders for about a week, however, owing to medical instructions we are only working short days. We are estimating that it will take us at least 2 weeks to clear the backlog and would like to apologise to all who have experienced delays during this period.
Because of these delays the price increase due to take effect from the 1st April will be held until the 1st June.
PPP 12.03.2024
The new computers have now arrived and are slowly being installed, this is not being helped by medical instructions to work limited amounts of time. We hope to, slowly, start shipping orders out at the end of this week. Please bear with us and we will get all orders sorted as soon as we are able.
PPP 04.03.2024
To top all of the medical problems, the office computers have now crashed completely, it will be a few days before we can have replacements in place, please bear with us
PPP 21.02.2024
On top of the Family Medical Issues mentioned below, we now have some personal Medical Problems that WILL affect the service. The sooner that we can get these problems sorted the better.
Please accept our appologies for the inconvinience caused by these problems, we want to get them sorted so that we can stop being in pain asnd get back to work.
PPP 20.02.2024
Owing to Family Medical Issues we are currently running behind.
This is a particular issue with production, Please be aware that any order that gets flagged as a 'Stock Issue' may take longer than usual for us to produce the missing items and dispatch.
Please accept our apologies for this, however, family must come first.
PPP. 19.01.2024