Three pictures of a model of the 2 car 'Refreshment Specials' run by LT during the WWII Blitz. This is a motorised unit and can be seen on the Basildon Model Railway Clubs
                                 - 'The Blitz' layout.

                                 photos copywrite 2024 R.E Farrell




                                 Photo's of a model of the Underground Track Recording Train. This was produced by our builder for a retirement presentation model.

                                 We will be producing a kit for this unit and can arrange for fully finished models to be produced.                              







                                 Photo's Above copywrite 2023 C H Stapleton



                                 Photo's taken on the New, and as yet unfinished, 'Carlton Vale' Underground layout. This layout is a replacement for the previous Abbey Road and Abbey Park layouts and should debut during 2024.

                                 All photo's copywrite 2022 C H Stapleton





                                 The rear driving Motor car of a 'D Stock' unit enters the tunnel whilst a 'CO-CP' unit leaves it.







                                 The Seats from 'Abbey Park' still need new name boards



                                 A 'D Stock' Train passes the signal box and the  McVities factory where a truckload of orangy delight is ready to leave. Let's hope that the truck driver refrains from over indulging himself !!

About Phoenix Paints

Manufacturers and Suppliers of paint, Solder, Flux as well as associated Kits and bits and pieces for Railway, Military and Road Transport Models. The majority of our paint, whilst manufactured using the latest technology, is Traditional High Quality oil based paint formulated to original specifications to ensure your models always look their best. If you require sizes not listed on this website please contact us for pricing and availability. Please read our Disclaimer on colour accuracy and quantities/sizes.

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