Three pictures of a model of the 2 car 'Refreshment Specials' run by LT during the WWII Blitz. This is a motorised unit and can be seen on the Basildon Model Railway Clubs
- 'The Blitz' layout.
photos copywrite 2024 R.E Farrell
Photo's of a model of the Underground Track Recording Train. This was produced by our builder for a retirement presentation model.
We will be producing a kit for this unit and can arrange for fully finished models to be produced.

Photo's Above copywrite 2023 C H Stapleton
Photo's taken on the New, and as yet unfinished, 'Carlton Vale' Underground layout. This layout is a replacement for the previous Abbey Road and Abbey Park layouts and should debut during 2024.
All photo's copywrite 2022 C H Stapleton

The rear driving Motor car of a 'D Stock' unit enters the tunnel whilst a 'CO-CP' unit leaves it.

The Seats from 'Abbey Park' still need new name boards

A 'D Stock' Train passes the signal box and the McVities factory where a truckload of orangy delight is ready to leave. Let's hope that the truck driver refrains from over indulging himself !!