Kirk / Mailcoach Update

July, 19, 2024

Update 19th July 2024

Work is now progressing at a reasonable rate with about 25 of the tools now converted to run on our machines as can be seen in the picture below.

Left to right they are the 51' solebars, 61' 6" Open First & 51' Full First (both sides the same).
As we have mentioned before, some of the tooling is so damaged that it will required re machining and some parts, interior partitions etc. will be easier to retool rather than try to convert the existing tooling.

Udate 27th June 2024. As mentioned elsewhere on this site the damage to my hand has seriously slowed down production work. However, how that some of the family problems are starting to, if not being relieved, cause fewer problems, work on converting the tooling to our machines has restarted, with 2 sets of side completed in the last 10 days. A lot of things are now dependant on getting the use of my hand back so that I can put the tool bolster onto the machine and bolt it into place (a job that requires 2 hands).

Update. 28th Mar 2024. We now have the new bolster for the MicroMold Gresley bogie and kits will now be packed with this bogie and instructions to replace the Kirk Gresley bogie.
The Family medical problems mentioned elsewhere on this site are causing problems because they involve the person that was doing the conversion work to fit the tooling to our machines. Hopefully another couple of months and work will resume!

Update. 14th Oct 2023. We are still working through the tooling to fit them to our machines and to sort out problems caused by PD. The biggest current problem is with the 8'6" Gresley bogie. PD had done a complete number on this tool and suffice to say that it is totally shot. We are working on a mould tool to produce a new centre bolster for our MicroMold Gresley bogie to allow it to be used with the Kirk kits. This should be available soon.

We have spent the last few months slowly working throught the Kirk / Mailcoach tooling and have managed to produce a number of coaches for sale.

These are currently available either from H & A Models, John Dutfield Model Railways or direct from ourselves. Currently only kits listed with a price on this website are available.

We have also indentified a number of tools that will require remaking due to exteme mishandling whilst with P Dunn in Somerset.

The most noticable at present of these is the armrest tool for the first class coaches. This should have 14 (or 16!) armrests on it. Due to damage it is only producing 6 good ones. Kits that require this moulding will have additional sprues to compensate.

The good news is that things are moving along, the bad news is that it is slow work.

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