Metro Models Update/Radley Models

November, 22, 2024

Radley Models Update 22.11.2024

We are still working through all of the parts and castings we aquired.

We are getting closer to being able to produce some kits, however, we do not expect this to be before the New Year.

We have also started to order new resin castings, a order/delivery schedule can be downloaded here.

Update 19.09.2024

The biggest problem we have found so far is that we do not know what parts go with what. We have instructions for the metal kits, and have started to sort out the various parts, but not for the resin kits (if there were any?). If anyone has unstarted resin kits that they would be willing to let us borrow we would be very grateful and would of course pay the costs involved. Contact us at

Update 19.07.2024.

Two good friends, who both understand a lot about the underground (real and model) spent yesterday sorting through boxes of casting to get a list of what parts we have and to see if we had any complete kits.
The simple answer is No.
We have plenty of body shells for 'standard' stock but no chassis, 95% of Met BoBo's etc etc.
Next Thursday (25.07.2024) we are going to spin the white metal tools that came with the parts and try to complete as much as possible.


Update 27.06.2024.
Metro Models - the medical problems and now my hand have again delayed the Metro Models reintroduction.  
Radley Models - we have started working through the aquired stock to find out what we have exactly and what kits can be assembled from the parts we have. Production of any new parts, particularly white metal, will have to wait until I have full use of my hand.


As of the 1st April 2024, we have aquired the Radley Models range of 4mm Underground models, whilst this was not the ideal time, owing to the recent medical problems mentioned elsewere on this website, discussions about this range had been in progress for at least 9 months. We will now need time to sort out what stock we have aquired and make up kits for sale.

The medical problems suffered by ourselves over February and March have, for obvious reasons, delayed the production work on Metro Models. We will get this sorted as soon as we physically can so that we can get product to market.


We now believe that we have solved the problems that have dogged us for the last year and have now produced warp free bodies for a number of types of both tube and surface stock. We are now sorting out interiors for the units and all of the parts to enable us to supply a complete kit, with the exception of paint and adhesives. We are also intending to commision transfers that will be provided free with each kit, these transfers will NOT be sold seperately.

Assuming we do not have any more problems, the first models available will be the 1960 Tube Stock, 1973 Tube Stock and the 'A' Stock. We will also be producing kits with bodyshells modified to produce the Track Recording Train.

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  1. Ian Thomas

    Please let me know when A stock kits are available.

  2. Max Winter

    Interested in A and 73 stock. Dreadnought coaches too

  3. John Armstrong

    I would like to order a kit for a Metropolitan electric loco when it’s available

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