7mm Scale Handrail Knobs

Handrail Knob Dimensions 

7mm Scale Handrail Knobs turned in England to our own specifications. They are cross drilled to take 0.70mm handrail wire


7mm Short Handrail Knobs

Short Handrail Knobs

7mm Scale Handrail Knobs


7mm Medium Handrail Knobs

Medium Handrail Knobs

7mm Scale Handrail Knobs


7mm Long Handrail Knobs

Long Handrail Knobs

7mm Scale Handrail Knobs


7mm Medium Short Handrail Knobs

Medium Short Handrail Knobs

7mm Scale Handrail Knobs

From £8.25

About Phoenix Paints

Manufacturers and Suppliers of paint, Solder, Flux as well as associated Kits and bits and pieces for Railway, Military and Road Transport Models. The majority of our paint, whilst manufactured using the latest technology, is Traditional High Quality oil based paint formulated to original specifications to ensure your models always look their best. If you require sizes not listed on this website please contact us for pricing and availability. Please read our Disclaimer on colour accuracy and quantities/sizes.

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