
'1960' Stock Driving Motor

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'1960' Stock Driving Motor


Metro Models Metro Models


'1960' Stock Driving Motor

This Item is 3d printed to order and has a MINIMUM lead time of 10 - 14 days.

Total: £0.00

A model of a Central Line '1960' Stock Driving Motor Car.

The twelve Driving Motor cars were originally paired with two refurbished 'standard stock' trailers inbetween and were used on the Central Line Hainult Loop as a test bed for the new ATC system to be installed in the Victoria Line trains for that lines opening in 1968.

By 1974 the cost of maintaining the trailer cars was becoming excessive and initially three units were converted between 1975 and 1983 to run as three car units with a single 1938 trailer car. two further units were converted in 1980/81.  In 1986 3 units were converted back to manual operation and one of the units ran the Epping - Ongar shuttle until the line closed at the end of September 1994.



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